Jeepers Sponsored Event: Blessing Of the Jeeps 2004 The
trail ride was next. The plan was to head off in several different
directions and all meet at Ellen's Corners where the obstacle course
had been constructed by the Cadillac Jeepers Club. Some of the jeeps
that showed up for the Blessing didn't go on the trail ride so they
had enough trail leaders. We ended up with Kenny from the Cadillac
Jeepers. We had been on the trails in the area many times, and
the trailride was not intended to be an aggressive offroading experience.
After arriving at Ellen's Corners, everyone that was interested
in participating in the obstacle course paid $10.00 and the fun
began. Mike and I walked thru the whole course just to get the feel
of it before we ran. First was the RTI ramp. We score much better
than we thought we would with a stock cj7, 42%. The tetter totter
was next.The only vechicle that did really well
on the tetter totter was a full size suburban. For the next obstacle
you had a choice of telephone poles to drive over or smaller logs
for the stock vehicles. We walked over the smaller logs quite easily.
Then the tire obstacle. As we faced a pile of tractor tires and
regular size tires mike looked my way and ask "so what way
should I go?" My reply was" right up the middle"
and away we went. It happened so quickly. One minute we were pushing
tires the next we were facing the sky and slowly rolling to one
side. There I was looking out my window
and all I could see was grass. Mike climbed out the top and I handed
him my camera and thats when he snapped this picture . I was fine
till I smelled gas and couldn't get my seatbelt unfastened. When
I finally got loose I walked to the back of the jeep and Mike helped
me out the rear window. The first thing I had to say was "
Did anyone get a picture?" They had the jeep back on all fours
in a second or two. Kenny said he would give up points just for
the entertainment... Thanks Kenny. The rest of the track we did
take it quite easy. Some moguls and a rock pile and a small mud
pit where the last of the obstacles. I think we were the only jeep
that rolled that day. Mike had a new nick name..."Flipper"
I just figured now that he had rolled the jeep first when I did
it he wouldn't be able to say much about it.